How to Remove Watermark from the Funimate

There is no doubt in declaring that we live in a virtual era where we put utmost importance on the most visually appealing things. Thanks to the astounding evolution of social media, everything we post needs to have a certain standard to be attractive in the eyes of other users. And this demand for high-quality photos and videos also gave rise to several mind-blowing photo editing sites and apps, like Funimate.
However, a vital aspect of photos and videos can ruin their ability to be eye-catching for other users, like a watermark. If the watermark is on an image, then can be your best pal! It removes the watermark easily, for free. Even if you are a noob, you can remove it easily through The steps are too simple.
You can quickly identify Watermarks on professional photos, videos, and stock images. When you search photos and videos on Google, you will notice many stock photos with watermarks. So you cannot use them. Thus, you can only access the original image or video from the copyright owner.
Nowadays, various photo and video editing apps and websites also use watermarks on their edited works. But it damages the photo and the brand in many ways. Plus, there are several occasions in which using a watermarked photo or video can disrupt the entire message you want to convey. Let's find out why you must remove watermarks from photos and videos.
What are Watermarks?
Watermarks are texts, logos, text, or patterns intentionally superimposed on photos and videos. Its purpose is to make it more difficult to reproduce or use the original image without permission. Companies or websites that sell digital images watermark low-resolution copies of the photos for users to preview.
If you purchase an image, they will provide you with a high-resolution copy without watermarks. Why do companies use Watermarks? Is there any benefit? Due to the current digitisation wave, contents with pictures are more captivating and shareable than that without pictures.
A social media user gets to see many images and videos regularly. Watermarking showcases and protects your brand's public image. One can define a watermark as creating or embossing a particular design. In advertising and marketing, watermarks are great for promoting brand advertising.
Watermarking is especially useful if your campaign aims to increase the usage and sale of a particular digital product. But why do several organisations use watermarks on their pictures and videos? How do watermarks benefit them? Let's talk about it.
To secure digital assets
Watermarking your digital assets, like images, videos, and other digital products, is essential to protect the content and assert ownership. Without watermarks, valuable digital assets can be vulnerable to content theft and unauthorised use.
To asset maximum protection
Watermarks get used primarily to prevent images or graphic files from being stolen. Otherwise, they might get used or altered without the owner's permission.
To improve ROI
Watermarking improves Return On Investment (ROI) by protecting valuable investments in pictures, videos, and many digital products. Watermark keeps them readily available for updating, reusing, and safely distributing.
To maintain brand consistency Watermarking protects the assets of a brand. It secures your brand and eliminates the risk of abuse. Watermarks can add clarity when a purchase is meant to be viewed but not shared.
What are Digital Watermarks?
A digital watermark is a mark, or often part of a code, embedded in digital data (video, images, or even audio). Digital watermarks, also known as forensic watermarks, do not change the information contained in the data.
What is the purpose of digital watermarks?
Digital watermarking protects copyrights in digital media and prevents piracy. It ensures the validity of digital media, as people can track stolen media through digital watermarking. It also reduces the piracy of digital media and improves security.
So, watermarking is crucial for an organisation to protect its digital assets. But does a watermark hold the same importance when posting casual images on social media for personal use? We will discuss this topic in the next section.
Who should use Watermarks, and who Shouldn't?
Watermarks possess some critical reasons for brands or organisations. It enables copyright and secures digital assets from content theft and duplicate content. It also increases Return On Investment (ROI) and helps maintain brand consistency in the public forum.
Thus, several photographers, video editors, and media agencies watermark their every content. However, there are various drawbacks to watermarks too. That's why many graphic designers, influencers, photographers, and video editors keep watermarks at bay. Let's know why.
1. Watermarks do not make you look more professional.
Many photographers and graphic designers believe that using watermarks makes them look professional. But the reality is that most famous photographers do not use watermarks.
In fact, distracting and poorly designed watermarks are one of the things many experts see as a sign that photographers are just getting started. Thus, the bottom line is Consistently doing quality work makes you look professional, not a watermark.
2. Watermarks don't ensure complete protection against piracy.
It would be great if a simple watermark could ensure your protection against piracy. But unfortunately, it doesn't. Thieves can easily cut watermarks and logos from images. Some excellent sites and apps allow you to remove the watermark with just a few clicks.
The best place to remove watermarks from images for free is Do you want to know how to remove watermarks using for free? Then check out the steps below. How to use to remove single or multiple watermarks?
Step 1 - Visit the official webpage of

Step 2 - Then click on the Upload Image section on Paste the URL of the image.

Step 3 - Then select the image format.

Step 4 - Wait for a second to receive the picture without any watermark. You can download the image without a watermark easily on your device.

Why should you not use watermarks on your photos and videos? Here are the main reasons leading digital agencies, photographers, and graphic designers avoid watermarking their content.
Watermarks Ruin the Composition of your Photos and Videos.
Watermarks can ruin an image. If you post a great picture on social media, having a logo or watermark makes the image appear less attractive. Then the perfect lighting set-up, flawless outfit, and a skilled photographer will all go in vain. It will look less eye-catching, and people will tend to scroll away from your content, harming your user engagement significantly.
Watermark is a potent distraction.
One of the major complaints from photographers and viewers is the potential distraction watermarks create. Some photographers and companies put a large watermark in the centre of the image to prove their copyright.
But it obscures the subject of the photo. Watermarking is the only thing you can focus on, and it creates a negative impression. Watermarking, which embeds copyright information in pictures, removes unsightly watermarks but can soften the overall photo. So, both types of watermarks can distract attention from the image itself.
They lower the shareability of the image or video.
Social media can help with your brand awareness. But if your photos have heavy watermarks, they may get less attention. People tend to share images that they find attractive. And several users find web-sized images with noticeable watermarks distasteful.
They do not guarantee complete protection.
Watermarks can reduce the possibility of theft. With the availability of affordable or accessible image editors like Photoshop, and Funimate, it proves to be a futile task. The clone or trim tools make it easy for novices to edit watermarks in any of these editing programs.
A ruthless thief can even put their watermark on your images after removing your watermark. So, watermarks do not offer complete protection against theft.
Watermarks encourage a negative approach.
Brands use watermarks mainly to protect rights. But the appearance of watermarks can hurt your brand. Suppose you own the copyright for all your online images. In that case, you may give the impression that your viewers are more concerned about possible theft than displaying the images as intended.
So, how can you protect your photos from piracy without using watermarks? There are several ways to protect your unwatermarked photos from piracy and theft. You can add a copyright notice above the image and state that the image should not get used by others without permission.
You can also display your brand's logo or name in the background of the photo or video. Another option is to upload a low-resolution photo. Many users will probably not use them as their product images. One of the best ways to prevent watermark image theft is to disable the right-click functionality. You can do it with several software or WordPress logins.
How to Remove Watermark from Funimate?
Funimate is a brilliant music video editor app and a social networking platform. It is entirely free to download on any Android and iOS device. Several leading social media influencers swear by Funimate as it is a reliable app for editing videos and adding music. But a user must be older than thirteen to create an account on Funimate.
Using Funimate to edit your videos or music videos implies a watermark on the contents. So, you need to use other video editing apps that remove watermarks from videos effectively. The best sites and apps to erase watermarks from videos are listed below:
5., and many more.
Wrapping Up
Watermarking is a process that only some need to use. So, you must clearly understand how watermarks work and the benefits and drawbacks to decide if to include a watermark. We hope this article provides detailed knowledge of watermarks and ways to remove them efficiently.